
Discover the PassivHaus way

We are proud to have been appointed as the eHaus Auckland licensee and are passionate about building homes that don’t just look good but are also healthy, comfortable and energy efficient.

eHaus are New Zealand leaders in PassivHaus design and construction and we are excited to be helping to redefine the way we live.

What is PassivHaus?

PassivHaus is an internationally recognised set of proven building and design principles that deliver the healthiest, all-year-round comfort living spaces, requiring ultra-low energy for heating or cooling.

The principles are based on providing the highest standard in construction and energy performance. Clever design and site orientation ensure the home can take full advantage from solar gains in the winter and shade in the summer.

Why should you build a PassivHaus?

Living in a PassivHaus provides a better quality of lifestyle for you and your family. Enjoy a comfortable, healthy space, with year-round comfort no matter what’s happening outside.

What does a PassivHaus look like?

The short answer is: however you’d like it to look! PassivHaus standards refer to building principles, not design styles.

How much does it cost to build a PassivHaus?

Any home built to perform to a higher standard will cost more, but the ongoing benefits of a high-performing home are priceless. Building a PassivHaus might cost more upfront, but these costs are quickly offset through the immediate savings in energy to run the home.

We’d love to hear from you

Get in touch below to request a brochure and find out more about how an eHaus PassivHaus could redefine the way you live.

    Why work with eHaus Auckland?

    A PassivHaus doesn’t get built by chance. Construction needs to meet rigorous standards so that the home will perform the way we say it will. Our team of designers and Master Builders are trained to meet these exacting standards. When you become an eHaus customer you become a part of the eHaus community and get the benefit of a PassivHaus solution that guarantees you get a home that performs the way it was designed. We can work with you to select your site, design your home, and then build it to the exacting quality required, providing PassivHaus certification at the completion of the build.

    [email protected]

    Find out more about eHaus PassivHaus